That History Lady

The Past is Only the Beginning

History is often ugly; but, history is also beautiful at times.

History is always fascinating. Denying, manipulating, or erasing history leads to apathy and benefits no one.

Everyone can learn something from history.

Come and see.

Current Posts

Prisoners as Pawns: Studying Civil War Prisons

            Historians estimate that fifty-six thousand Civil War soldiers died as prisoners of war. That figure fails to include soldiers who perished shortly after their liberation, unable to recover from their hellish incarceration. Scholarship on Civil War prisons encompasses an intriguing and chaotic historiography. Numerous memoirs, journals, official government documents, and newspapers revealed prisoners’ dreadful…

Remembering the Heroes of Flight 93

This post is dedicated to the Heroes of United Flight 93. It is also dedicated to those who assisted after the crash, those heroes responsible for recovery and investigation. Most of all, this post is dedicated to my brother, FBI Agent Gary Leone. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Remembering the Heroes of…

Stonewall Jackson: A Story of Providence and Unwavering Faith

Religion played a significant role in many Civil War military leaders, especially Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson. Significant writing exists detailing his devoutness and dedication to faith and religion, especially during the Civil War. Jackson clung to his unwavering commitment to Christianity throughout his time in the war. He openly prayed and read and quoted scripture…